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I’m a firm believer that every single human is creative. Many people roll their eyes at me when I say this but hear me out!

My definition of creativity revolves around the idea that at its core creativity is the ability to problem solve, connect ideas and generate alternative possibilities.

When you begin to think of creativity in that way it is easy to understand why I believe that everyone inherently has creativity flowing in their veins. Often creativity is conflated with being a “creative” in profession or having a specific demeanor. It is so much more than that and understanding the power of your creative selft is just a matter of tapping into your unique version of it.

creativity caregiver self care

We all have different creative strengths and discovering them gives us the ultimate toolset to navigate overwhelm and chaos and return us to a state of calm. We  are doing ourselves a disservice if we only allow ourselves to think of creativity as something to be explored in the gaps between the overwhelms.

Take a minute and think of all the joy we are depriving ourselves and others of if we continue to wait for that brief gap moment to flex our creative muscles. It’s serving no one to abandon our creative selves for the idea that creativity is something extra we can experience once we handle the hard. Our creative selves exist so that we can help ourselves through the hard times, enjoy ourselves fully in the good times and fully engage ourselves in the life we are living all of  the time.

We all use creativity daily; we just don’t recognize or acknowledge the power of this tool.

We get children to eat by serving them applesauce from an airplane spoon.

We deal with that difficult customer by engaging them in a way that diffuses their behavior and focuses them on the task at hand.

We make dinner from what is in the cupboards forging new recipes that sometimes work and other times give us a funny tale to tell. We support our ailing loved ones with stories and distractions to redirect them toward calm instead of agitated states.

We are constantly navigating life with creativity so let’s put some respect on it and utilize it to its fullest capacity. We all have different creative strengths and the first step to harnessing the power of our unique creativity for our own good is to pay attention to how we handle our everyday stressors. If we consciously take a pause and think about how we just utilized a creative tool from our toolset and how it transformed our response to overwhelm and disrupt that pesky pain in the ass chaos we could set ourselves on a path to never be bullied by them ever again.

We truly hold the key to navigating overwhelm and chaos in us. We just have to let creativity out of the background, give it the recognition it deserves, strengthen the parts that have already proven effective, be curious in seeking out new ways to tap into that creative part of ourselves and then harness the power of it to help us move from chaos to calm without being always stuck in the quicksand of overwhelm.


Here is my favorite quote to help you shift your mindset to a broader definition of creativity and start to feel the power of it in yourself.

We got this. We are powerful BECAUSE we are creative!


Cris Sasso
Mentor to Overwhelmed and Frustrated Multitaskers